A Digital Signature is a process to ensure that contents of an electronic document like email, spreadsheet, text file etc. have not been altered in the transit. Digital signatures rely on certain types of encryption to ensure authentication. Authentication is the process of verifying that information is coming from a reliable source. Encryption is the process of sending all the data from one computer to another and encoding it in a form that only the recipient computer can decode it. You need a digital certificate to digitally sign a document. If you want the recipients of your documents to verify the authenticity of your digital signature , then you must obtain a digital certificate from a reputed Chartered Accountant.
Individuals and entities who have to get their accounts audited for filing income tax returns, compulsorily use digital signature. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has made it mandatory for companies to file all reports , applications and forms using a digital signature only.
A company becomes eligible for GST registration only by verifying the GST application through a digital signature. A digital signature is necessary for filing all applications, amendments and other related forms.
Digital Signature Certificates are helpful in authenticating the personal details of holder while conducting online business.
One Time Payment Digital Signature (Class 2 & Class 3) ₹ 999-2400.00 |
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